
Anna Meredith: "Something Helpful"

Dangerman7/07/2022 10:03:07 am PDT

re: #305 Renaissance_Man

Most people in open shooting wars don’t die of being shot either. Just because you and I are unlikely to be shot in a mass shooting event doesn’t mean that the terror and threat of such doesn’t affect our everyday life.

Children all across this country regularly train for terror events….

the bulwark

“Massacres at supermarkets, churches, classrooms, shopping malls, and good God, July Fourth parades are not like other violence. They shatter our sense of safety. They destroy our sense of normal life. Who among us has not wondered whether we might fall victim to this madness at a ball game or a concert? This epidemic of mass random shootings is not like gang killings in cities. It’s like terrorism. It invades the normal, peaceful world—the places in which we must feel secure.”