
What's on My Kindle?

iceweasel8/01/2009 11:46:49 pm PDT

re: #296 Fenway_Nation

Sorry ice…still trying to wrap my head around your #265.

It’s OK to be ignorant right down to exactly who you’re filling our a form-letter/action alert to…so long as you’re quick about it?

No. Many people don’t know the names of every single elected official in their district. Sometimes this means state reps, sometimes city council, sometimes something else. In some places family court judges are elected positions. District Attornies. Everything.

The left excels at online activism in part because so many sites streamline it. You sign up once for a list, you choose the issues that matter to you, you put in your zipcode, and you’ll get a continual stream of emails every day that tell you everything going on for you— not just on the national scale but the most local, and the microlocal. The right has nothing like that.