
Saturday Morning Open

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines8/29/2009 12:49:50 pm PDT

re: #283 Killgore Trout

Another comment…

One (or more) of these nuts is bound to snap sooner or later. I don’t see much chance of avoiding it.

One of the really strange things about this nutbag element is the sinister significance they attach to relatively minor legal enactments, as though the lack of legal authority could somehow keep the kind of insanely oppressive, lawless, and unconstitutional government they envision from sending us all to the gulag.
Another example: A while back, an Alex Joneser started lecturing me about these secret underground railways the gummint is building to transport various undesirables to the new gulag. When asked where he got his information, he indicated he had seen it on video. I told him not to believe everything he saw on video. He responded that it had to be true because the gummint would not allow people to put lies on video and would shut them down if they did.
I am not making that up.