
Democratic Party to Women: Your Rights Are Less Important Than Winning Elections

Yeah Sure WhatEVs7/31/2017 1:05:50 pm PDT

“They’re convinced Trump is out of his gourd,” the Republican revealed. “Remember what I told you at the start of this circus? They planned to use Trump’s antics for cover, to get done what they most wanted - big tax cuts, rollbacks of regulations, especially financial. They’d work with Pence behind the scenes and forget the crazy uncle in the attic.”

He then corrected himself saying that he’s hearing that Attorney General Jeff Sessions “is pissing them off.” He said that Republicans in the caucus anticipate Trump will hurt them in 2018 and 2020.

“They want him out [of] there,” he continued, saying that they’re hoping special counsel Robert Mueller comes up with a “smoking gun.” When asked what they would do if Trump fired Mueller, he claimed it would never happen.

If Trump isn’t gone by the 2020 elections they intend to put someone up against him.

“Lots of maneuvering already. Pence, obviously. Cruz thinks he has a shot,” the member said. Until then, they think Trump is “fritzing out,” which he explained was “going totally bananas” with “paranoia.”

“You want to know why he fired [Reince] Priebus, wants Sessions out, and is now gunning for Tillerson?” the Republican asked Reich, who thought it was to shake things up. “No. The way I hear it, he thinks they’ve been plotting against him.”

According to the member of Congress, Priebus and Sessions were trying to figure out how to enact the 25th Amendment, which would remove the president from office if he was unfit.

“Read it! A Cabinet can get rid of a president who’s nuts. Trump thinks they’ve been preparing a palace coup. So one by one, he’s firing them,” the member continued.