
Clinton Pledges 'Unshakeable Bond' with Israel

lawhawk3/16/2010 12:17:40 pm PDT

Speaking of violence, the Palestinians are at it again. Israel rededicated the Hurva Synagogue in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem (which was obliterated by the Jordanians in 1948 and which Israel did not regain control of until 1967. The Israelis built a soaring arch to duplicate one of the architectural features of the destroyed shul, and they finally rebuilt it.

Of course, the Palestinians started a rumor that this was the first step to destroying the al Aqsa mosque and Dome of the Rock to prepare for the construction of a new Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount.

Much violence ensued.

The US envoy George Mitchell cancelled his trip indefinitely. The US hasn’t exactly spoken out against the rumors, letting them continue to percolate among the Arab populations that are regularly plied with such blatherings until they can no longer discern between fact and fantasy.

Oh, and the violence isn’t being blamed on the rumors but on Israel’s proposed housing projects even though the violence is directly attributed to the rumors.

And just because Hamas and Islamic Jihad wanted in on the action, they fired a kassam from Gaza into Israel.