
Wanna Worry About Asteroids? These Are the Ones to Worry About

Hecuba's daughter12/05/2020 11:04:17 am PST

re: #306 Renaissance_Man

These are unlikely not because Republicans are afraid of treason, but because the post-election shenanigans have largely succeeded from everyone’s point of view except Trump’s. They have not succeeded in installing him as dictator, but they have delegitimised a Democrat presidency before it has begun. This was always going to be the case, because the position of Republicans and the Republican-friendly MSM is that Democrats are illegitimate by default, but the goal will now be to codify that into law, instead of just US culture.

And this morning Trump called Kemp to ask him to overturn the results. Trump may have no interest in doing his Constitutionally required job, but he does work overtime to protect and enrich himself. Kemp has been silent over the past few days while other Republican members of his administration have stood up for justice. Kemp is a man with no morals or ethics — let’s see if this one time in his life, he will stand for the rule of law when facing pressure.