
Now Clinton Begs Iran to Unclench

formercorpsman2/03/2009 3:27:17 pm PST

re: #279 avanti

Avanti, the only problem, is we have been offering carrots since 1979. It has never paid off.


The press refuses to actually be the press, and report certain things unless it fits their own political ideology.

Bill Clinton apologized to Iran when he was president.

I am not being condescending, read up on the history of Dulles, Mossedegah, etc.

It won’t work. It has not worked. It will not work.

This is why they feel comfortable pushing the envelope. Do you recall Kerry commenting while he was running for President, he would be willing to supply nuclear fuel to Iran if they declare it would be for peaceful purposes?

We already have a track record on giving dictatorships nuclear fuel.

I am seriously not trying to insult you, but do you realize what it looks like when you posts comments like this?