
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel6/02/2009 6:14:17 am PDT

re: #293 pingjockey

Mornin’ lizards. Jimmah Cartuh is an equal opportunity asshat. Now he disagrees with the one that the Gitmo pics should be released. Why doesn’t he just move to Gaza and run for Prez there?

The awful part is that those pics are going to leak out eventually, one way or another. That’s the nature of these things.

I think Obama made the right decision by not releasing them, as there is no question that it would endanger our troops.

On the other hand, there are also pictures and video out there that depict the rape and sexual abuse of prisoners. The Brit press already has posted detailed descriptions of them and they were detailed in the 2005 Taguba report. These pictures are not part of the set that Obama just refused to release, btw. But they exist, and I think the individuals who engaged in those actions must be prosecuted.

i don’t want those photos (or indeed any) released at any time when it could endanger our troops, but the people who raped and sexually abused prisoners need to be—must be— exposed and prosecuted one day.