
Louisiana Citizens Pay for Bobby Jindal's Church Visits

Desert Dog9/02/2009 12:17:58 pm PDT

re: #268 drcordell

Well, two points. I actually believe that when incumbent Presidents make explicit campaign stops they must reimburse the gov’t for the “cost” of the resources they use. It’s definitely a bargain, so they all do it, but there is some reimbursement.

And second, it’s a big assumption to make that all previous LA governors were gallivanting around the state in helicopters just because Kenneth Jindal did it.

Big ASSumption on your part to say they did not too…so whatever.

I am not a gambler, but I would be willing to bet Gov. Blanco took trips all over the state while she was Governor and many of them had nothing to do with Offical State Business. She is not alone though. I would guess most Governors do this kind of stuff.