
Photo of the Day: I Fought Nazis, And They Don't Look Like Obama

SanFranciscoZionist10/30/2010 8:16:15 pm PDT

re: #200 HappyWarrior

It’s funny the reason why I stopped going to anti war rallies in the first place was because I was fed up with their credit. In 2005, I had become really interested in the Sudan issue and I remember being infuriated that the anti war rally I went to sponsored by ANSWER said more about how Mumia Al-Jamal is a political prisoner than doing something about that genocide. I never really liked ANSWER much anyhow. Yes, I disagreed with the Iraq War but I have no love for a group sponsored by a party that supported the Soviets invasion of Hungary in 56 because the Soviets didn’t like the Hungarians trying to protect their national sovereignty and my favorite given tehir opposition to our presence in Afghansitan is they actually supported the Soviet invasion in teh late 70’s.

ANSWER are a disaster. I really wish they had not gotten their claws so deep into the anti-war rallies in the Bay Area.