
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

lifeofthemind1/06/2009 7:09:39 pm PST

If Israel sent teams into Europe to start protecting Jews the elites would face their ultimate nightmare. They can’t force Israel and there bluff is hollow. Israel can beat the Europeans without the US weighing in and as a nuclear power no one can force Israel to swallow an existential threat. The inability of the Europeans to face down and control threats from their domestic but undomesticated terrorists, moslem or anarcho-communist depends on everyone else supporting the myth of their sovereignty even as they try to offload it to transnational and unelected organs like the EU and UN. If Israel refuses to play along the house of cards could collapse. I ecpect much bluster and panic from the elites.

On a completely unrelated topic *cough* what do you think Sarko is trying to get from the Arabs as he tours around? Hint, think about Russia and the gas valve twisting off.