
Obama Absent from Medal of Honor Ball - Update: Confirmed

joan1/23/2009 2:57:57 pm PST

By the way, I’m sick of hearing these accusations that America employed torture at Gitmo. Everyone has thrown in the towel on “harsh interrogation” allowing, once again, the Left to define reality and write history and sloganeer their way into even more power over us. A cold room, distressing dunk-tanking, noise, long question sessions—-these are not rape, dismemberment, burning, tiger-cages, broken bones, the real world of real torture that is ubiquitous worldwide. Even the disgusting pictures from Abu Ghraib, debasing and repulsive, were not torture. Wrong: yes, should not ever again be allowed. But. again. No sense of proportion whatsoever from the Left, and now, forever the “moral equivalence” between Syrian dungeons, Saddam Hussein, and the U.S.A.

These gutless wonders, their nauseating self-righteousness, folly and lies. Because this faction has prevailed and has power, America has chosen to accept vicious attack and ultimately nuclear attack from our enemies. Our every signal, message, appearance and movement from now says only one thing to the enemy: PREY