
Bobby Jindal's Wife Promotes Science Education While Hubby Works to Subvert It

Spar Kling4/15/2009 11:31:35 pm PDT

re: #174 calcajun

You keep missing the point that has been repeatedly made here. The only way to keep this country from lurching to the left is to oust the socialists Dems from office and the only means of doing that is to elect the GOP in 2010. The problem is that there is a war for the soul of the GOP—and for too many years the GOP has had to drink the religious right-flavored Kool-aid (and I am a far-right Christian).

Ok, let’s have you pretend you’re a politician. A reporter asks you what your religion is. You truthfully answer that you are a Christian. Then, the reporter asks you whether you take your Christian values seriously, whether you intend to abide by your beliefs while you are in office.

Is there anything that you can say that will keep you from being characterized in the press as a Bible-thumping religious extremist loony intent on turning America into a Christian theocracy? Is there anything you can say that will keep you from being accused of alienating people in the GOP of different faiths or of no faith? No, better resign right now for the good of the party. Next candidate.

Frankly, I’m sick of the wimpy, incompetent, compromising, big spending, country-club celebrity Republican party that is really no different than the moderate-to-conservative wing of the Democrat party. Instead, I’d love to see a principled, economically conservative advocate for small government (and that has nothing to do with religious reconstructionism).

But now that the Communists are in power in this country, there’s little hope for that. Instead, I predict that to avoid the “religious right” label, the GOP will go even further left, Socialist-lite … and lose the next round of elections too.
