
Overnight Open Thread

Cannadian Club Akbar7/31/2009 2:56:01 am PDT

re: #317 SixDegrees

I haven’t commented on my own opinion of global warming. My concern is the distortion of the scientific process, the substitution of popular opinion in place of scientific proof, and the promotion of scientific mythology that never took place. In short, I’d like to see the debate conducted based on fact instead of deception. It doesn’t do either side’s argument any good if it relies on wild distortions and outright lies. And given that the argument is framed as a scientific one, it ought to be conducted within the accepted scientific framework - not on the op-ed page.

I like the idea, but those doing the study shouldn’t be attached to a university or some other entity that can gain financially. I always say follow the money. It’s sad but true.