
Colin Powell Endorses Barack Obama for President

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)10/25/2012 3:46:51 pm PDT

re: #311 iossarian

The press release linked earlier suggests that Senior Lecturers are “regarded as professors”, which are classic Law School weasel words IMHO.

This is not just true at U of C law school, though, it’s elsewhere. I took a course while I was there from J.M. Coetzee, with the title of Senior Lecturer, and we certainly called him professor. Any academic institution, be it a law school or not, gets to decide who is a professor. It’s a title of respect, accorded by peers— they get to set the standard.

Anyway, it’s not worth arguing about -if this is what Republicans have on Obama after years of desperately trying to find any kind of dirt of any kind on him, then that’s a poor return on their investment of time and effort by anyone’s standards.

Yeah. It just really irritates me because it’s so moronic. They’re trying to take away from his achievements as a scholar— but he not only was a professor at U of C, he was invited to join the tenure track— which is far more impressive.