
LA Times Contradicts Guardian Story of Snowden's "Four Laptops"

Kragar6/13/2013 11:48:18 am PDT

Coulter shouts at Hannity over immigration: ‘You are like a liberal… the country is over!’

Hannity pressed Coulter about what she thought should be done with the 11 million undocumented immigrants after the border was certified secured if they they were not allowed to become citizens.

“You are like a liberal making a silly argument!” she exclaimed. “It’s a straw man argument. Nobody cares! This idea that it’s an emergency, it’s a crisis, it’s preposterous.”

“If the House passes anything concerning immigration — this is very important, Hannity viewers, so pay attention here — the House passes nothing but, say, e-Verify, it goes into the conference [committee] between the two bodies and it will come out an amnesty bill!” Coulter warned.

“At that point, if it is voted on the Senate and it is voted on in the House, we have amnesty, the country is over and the only thing left for you and me to do, Sean, is to punish the people who destroyed America.”