
RNC Official Falsely Accuses Clinton of Plagiarism

Charles Johnson7/29/2016 11:27:28 am PDT

re: #22 Interesting Times

Speaking of absurd accusations, can someone tell me where all this rubbish about Hillary being a warmonger came from? I just discovered someone I used to know (and considered sane) has become a BoB Jill Stein supporter, claiming that Hillary is worse than Dick Cheney!!!1!! -_-

As far as I can tell, the only substance behind this accusation is the fact that she doesn’t categorically rule out military action in some circumstances where there’s no other option. It’s a bizarre viewpoint of the far left that a president should be someone who hates the military and will never, ever use military force.

I wish we lived in a world where that would be possible. We’d be eating gumdrops all day and riding our unicorns through sparkly skies, and no one would ever be sad.