
Colbert: Sarah Sanders Denies Everything

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam6/16/2018 3:49:42 am PDT

re: #29 freetoken

Getting back to Grand Designs and showcase construction: I am struck about how the looks of a property have been elevated over all other aesthetics.

It is so rare to be presented a design and construction about how a house:
1) sounds;
2) feels;
3) smells.

All that matters is looks.

When I watch these shows I wonder how many times I would stub my toes, hit my shin, bump my head, or slip on a marble floor (onto which a bathtub has been placed. for example.)

When these showcases are presented at the end of the show, fully furnished, I see stereo speakers misplaced, television sets in awkward viewing positions, landscapes totally ignored (or worse, destroyed in the process of building someone’s vanity project.)

The project time for these remakes is completely unrealistic. Some are supposed to be 48-hour makeovers, while others are supposed to be done within a week. What real-world home improvement project has such crazy deadlines?