
Nut Who Threatened Cantor Also Threatened Obama

researchok3/30/2010 11:25:48 am PDT

That there are an equal number of nutcases on the left as there are on the right is a given. The Church of the Whackjobs is open to all.

What distinguishes the recent crop of right wing whack jobs is the reality that they are willing to act out their insanity knowing that there will be those who will encourage, defend and apologize for their behavior.

ELF, PETA and others are as destructive as any other loon fringe group- even more so at times. Certainly the property damage and terror they have inflicted cannot be understated. Nevertheless, there are no loud voices defending the behavior these lunatics. There are no mainstream or wannabe political movements that espouse or apologize for the tactics and ideologies these groups espouse.

That is why right wing nut jobs are far more dangerous at the moment. It’s a two way street- someday another unrepentant bomb thrower on the left will make his debut and we’ll all rightly trash the fool.

CJ and LGF are wrongly taken to task for pointing out that reality when in fact, the right wing establishment ought to be at the fore in disengaging with these idiots.

There are plenty more substantive arguments that can be debated.