
Rush Limbaugh, Pig

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/20/2011 3:34:57 pm PDT

re: #3 EmmmieG

He gets really upset if you make fat jokes about him.

Yes, that is why I enjoy pointing out his porcine physique.

More seriously, there is really nothing more insulting than attacking a man’s wife to get at him. It is the lowest of the low and should not be tolerated. The whole right wing is guilty of this. Can’t attack the man in office then attack his wife - a lady incidentally who is one of the more classy and decent first ladies we have had in a very long time. In a more graceful age, someone like Rush would simply be thrashed.

Perhaps, part of why they hate the first lady is that she is so very much smarter and simply better than they are in all ways that matter… Of course, she is also black and seeing a black woman be that much superior to them has got to hurt their “white pride” down to their shrivelled little man parts.

As an addendum,

In Rush’s case those little man parts are not something he has been able to see in years. That must truly hurt his pride and it helps explain why his ego is so easily threatened and why he lashes out so much.