
Sunday Open Thread

Eclectic Cyborg5/27/2012 4:31:33 pm PDT

So I’m wondering. At what point should a Church potentially lose their Tax exempt status due to wandering into the political arena?

Our preacher today gave a sermon which, while not directly mentioning any candidate or political party, certainly had heavy political themes.

Among the points made:

- The U.S. is a Christian nation because of the Declaration of Independence stating that all man are endowed by the Creator with equal rights. The preacher said the fact the C is capitalized is proof positive the writers of the document were referring to the Christian God since most pronouns are capitalized when referring to the Lord

- Said the U.S. was founded on “Judeo-Christian” principles

- Said the most dangerous place in America is the womb

- Said America is in danger of losing our supposed blessing in the eyes of the Lord and then immediately followed that with these two statements:

- Said the Bible specifically states marriage should be between one man and one woman by way of the Genesis scripture that immediately follows the creation of Eve from Adam’s rib: “That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.”

- He said it’s an insult to God when two people of the same gender stand before Him and proclaim their intent to get married.

- He also stressed the importance of Christians using whatever resources available to them to effect change in society, including the power to vote

Again, no particular mention of a specific political party or candidate was made, but in listening to it I just had to ponder whether it was the type of message that would be in conflict with the reasons for the tax exempt status of the Church.