
Florida Mayoral Candidate 'Jokes' About Bombing Abortion Clinics

Renaissance_Man2/24/2011 2:11:39 pm PST

re: #298 Opal

Roe v. Wade is all they’ve got.

Each state has its own law. Abortion was illegal for a long time, and somehow we did it. I lived in a small town while growing up, and everybody, everybody knew that two registered nurses ran our local “back alley.” Their fallback was a physician in family practice who prescribed prophylactic antibiotics (ostensibly for ear infections) and would open his office 24/7 if there was a bleeding problem. Also, though small, our local ER was a backup that would help women who had heavy bleeding problems. It wasn’t perfect, but it worked. As is right now, some really despicable politicians are running amok in DC doing all sorts of things that hurt the lower and middle classes to the benefit of the wealthy. They get away with it, because those same lower and middle class people vote for Republicans due to their stance on the “social issue” of abortion.

They don’t just vote because of abortion now. That may have been the original issue that attracted them, but the concept of ‘values’ has become part of the larger cult. ‘Values’ voters now have just one value - opposing liberals.

If abortion were illegal tomorrow, the Conservative cult would lose no voters. Political activism on the American Right is not about getting your policies enacted - it’s about sticking it to ‘lefties’. Most cult voters have no idea what policies they’re voting for in reality. They only know that the people they’re voting for make the right noises and hate liberals. Any policy they enact is therefore, by default, right.