
Bad Idea of the Day: The Criminals' Tour De France

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus5/25/2009 4:48:45 pm PDT

re: #212 hazzyday

First off, those are old news stories to which you are linking. The budget compromise of Feb changed the deficit number…. but as I’ve mentioned before, the actual number depends upon the tax receipts, and those aren’t known in fact until they actually come in. Current estimates are that the state will start bouncing checks sometime in June if something more isn’t done.

Secondly, on the whining about what California gets from the Feds… like so much of the hyperventilating about California, facts are overlooked. Indeed, look at the $21billion in your second link - that is $21 out of > $800 billion, or about 1/40th of the amount. However, California has over 10% of the population. Now you tell me, who’s getting the good deal?