
Tucson Helps Immigrants in Need, May Ask Obama to Curb Deportations

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)7/06/2014 8:54:51 am PDT

Got some photos to dump on the Lizards. My first attempt at photography on fireworks. Stabilized the camera so that pressing the button would not shake it (much). Got it pointed over towards the Art Museum and took a few calibration shots. Then waited a few hours until the fireworks started. Took about 70-80 shots - and then tossed about half of them right away.

Sunset - art museum in right foreground

I have the impression that still photography of fireworks might be one of the more difficult subjects. Low light conditions, bright objects, and fast moving. So you have conflicts towards exposure times in trying to catch action while not wanting to get washed out by the brightness of the firework. (And these are auto setting pictures - I have not started playing with manual setting for attempting this, though I expect that doing something there would get better results.)