
Overnight Open Thread

dwells385/05/2009 7:38:26 am PDT

re: #296 Nevergiveup

It’s just worthless words anyway. And they ONLY talking about a truce? So after x amount of years ( 10 if you believe them ) all bets are off and it’s kill the Jews time again.

I think it’s pretty clear the entire Muslim world (not just jihadists) including it’s expats in other countries has completely rejected the existence of a Jewish theocratic state in the ME. No discussion or compromise is possible.

I hate to say it but other than triggering WWIII what ultimately are Israel’s options? The rest of the world has decided to let Iran have a bomb which I have no doubt they’ll use either overtly or covertly thru terror channels.

I wonder if Israel should begin negotiating on terms of surrender soon. Never thought I’d say it but if we could have kept WMDs out of the hands of their enemies they could have continued but I don’t see it now.

They should try and get their people out safely and or see if the victors will allow some sort of assimilation without having every last thing they own and control confiscated.

Sorry for that gloomy thought.