
Sunset Palm

Walter L. Newton2/05/2010 7:23:24 am PST

Global warming is real. But once again, we can see what happens when you have “scientist” who have gone far beyond science, and are more concerned with politics, prestige and personal gain they can make from bad science. As Ludwig so aptly put it on another thread…

re: #3 LudwigVanQuixote

Again, I can not overstate how terrible it is in the world of science to accuse someone of cooking their books. It is the prime thou shalt not of science. People who get caught doing it, and they always do are booted out of the field forever.


The Indian government has established its own body to monitor the effects of global warming because it cannot rely on the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the group headed by its own Nobel prize-winning scientist Dr R.K Pachauri.

It’s time to clean house. The BBC once described Dr R.K Pachauri as “the world’s top climate scientist.” Dr R.K Pachauri is not a scientist, he is a former railroad engineer. He sits on the boards. Dr. R.K Pachauri Dr Pachauri occupies more than a score of such posts, acting as director or adviser to many of the bodies which play a leading role in what has become known as the international climate industry.

Dr R.K Pachauri has been asked to step down by a number of pro-AGW scientists. As Ludwig says above “…and they always do are, booted out of the field forever.”

It’s about time that Dr R.K Pachauri is “booted” out of the field. No better than the crazy religious right, who’s belief overrides the practicality of denouncing people like Pat Robertson, the AGW “religionist” need to understand that there are High Priest in the AGW science that, like Pat Robertson, are more interested in politics, prestige and personal gain and not good science.

It’s time to clean house.