
Image: A Planet of Another Star

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)6/10/2010 5:12:46 pm PDT

re: #318 Bagua

I have made that clear already. The fundamentalists are the ones pushing the Sharia courts, and increasing control of Muslim community centers and places of worship. Everything that increases their power increases the threat.

You didn’t really make that clear; I mean, you made it clear you think that, but not that that’s true, that all the Sharia courts are pushed by fundamentalists. If you can show fundamentalist connection to a Sharia court, I’ll object like hell to the court.

Places like London and Amsterdam which encourage their Muslim community to have “their own culture” and make accommodation for the demands of the fundamentalists seeking Sharia are seeing a dramatic rise in these problems. Places like the US where the Muslims are encouraged to integrate and join in the American culture, do not have these increasing problems.

US has arbitration laws that would completely allow an Imam to act as an arbitrator, though.

Beyond that, I can not help you Obdicut, because when you have decided to oppose my comments you focus on redefining what I say into a straw man you can knock down and play at being befuddled. As I’ve never seen you spin on behalf of Christian So-Cons trying to gain legal acceptance for their laws and codes, quite the opposite in fact, I’m confused why you and others are so desperate to spin for the Islamists.

It is really, really, really fucking wrong of you to say that I’m desperately spinning for the Islamists. It is pointless, and tiresome.

When you can show me a law in the US that is being influenced by Muslim fundamentalists, I will oppose it every much as I oppose the influence of Christian Socons influence on the law. In fact, given the wide overlap in views between those two groups, I would say that my opposition to the Socons is an opposition to the Muslim fundamentalists.

I have no clue why you think it’s okay accuse me of spinning for the Islamacists. It is a foolish accusation with no weight to it whatseover, and it is beyond insulting.