
Rick Perry: 'As a Christian I Have a Directive to Support Israel'

Buck9/20/2011 1:41:26 pm PDT

re: #320 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

It’s definitely different, if only because CZ Evangelicals are very up front about their political goals — have been since the 1960s. Do you think Michele Bachmann, Bob McDonnell, David Barton, etc. just dropped out of the sky in the past 2 years?

Right, cause no way Muslim idiots haven’t been up front about their political goals.

But then, until today, you thought “Pastor Chuck” was some yahoo on youtube. So, you’re not exactly a go-to on this topic.

Not true, I was trying to say “Pastor Chuck” wasn’t Rick Perry.

Muslims aren’t running for highest office, Muslims aren’t packing into vigilante dress-up groups like tea parties, Muslims have nowhere near the physical numbers of CZ Evangelicals. Christian conservative bigots in the USA, otoh, have a very very very very long history of exactly this behavior.

You are saying your OPINION on the subject of Muslims and running for public office. Of course on that subject you can be level headed and see the nut case conspiracy theories for what they are. However the wack jobs certain could debate that with you. A muslim in the highest office of the land? No one is saying that right?