
Photo of the Day: A Better View of Pluto's Mysterious Dark Spots

Backwoods Sleuth7/13/2015 6:34:18 am PDT

What can possibly go wrong?

In response to the multi-state military exercise organized by the federal government, a group of very concerned Texans have organized what they’re calling “Counter Jade Helm,” in which “citizens will participate in an unofficial fashion to practice counter-insurgency, organizational and intelligence gathering and reporting skills.”

Operation Jade Helm begins on July 15th, but as the media is barred from covering the exercise, citizen surveillance is the only option that people like retired firefighter Eric Johnson have to assuage their concerns about what the SEALs, Green Berets, and Air Force Special Ops are actually up to.

“If a team member sees two Humvees full of soldiers driving through town, they’re going to follow them,” Johnston told the Houston Chronicle’s Dylan Baddour. “And they’re going to radio back their ultimate location.”