
Hilarious Bad Lip Reading Remix: The First Democratic Debate

No Depression10/29/2015 9:36:26 am PDT

I’m not a psych major, but Jeb! can fuck off with his condescension:

How Psychology Majors Are Responding to Jeb Bush’s Diss

While arguing that more college students should consider majors with better job prospects, Jeb Bush took a stab at psychology majors on Saturday at a town hall in South Carolina.

“Universities ought to have skin in the game,” the Republican presidential candidate said, according to the Washington Examiner. “When a student shows up, they ought to say ‘Hey, that psych major deal, that philosophy major thing, that’s great, it’s important to have liberal arts … but realize, you’re going to be working a Chick-fil-A.’”

This comment didn’t sit well with, well, psych majors, who took to Twitter to defend their degrees with the hashtag #ThisPsychMajor. People used the hashtag to discuss the accomplishments they’ve achieved with their education.

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