
Seth Meyers: Rudy Giuliani and Lindsey Graham Lead Trump's Incompetent Coup Attempt

Targetpractice11/19/2020 9:41:59 am PST

re: #321 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

And as I posted, that could have been far worse than it was. They planned to storm the capitol building in Lansing and start executing public officials. These guys were and are terrorists. That’s terrorism.

If the FBI announced that a group of Muslim men had intended to assassinate a state governor or (failing that) storm a legislature and begin executing any who refused to bow to their demands, the entire country would currently be in lockdown as Repubs talked endlessly about the “radical Islamic terrorists” set on bringing down our democracy.

But they’re a bunch of white-as-snow assholes with IQs lower than a snake’s nutsack, so we get a lot of yawning and shoulder shrugging as if this were a totally normal part of our everyday lives.