
Krauthammer: When Austria Mocks You, You're Having a Bad Week

iLikeCandy4/11/2009 9:59:37 am PDT

I’m just going to say something. Probly not much point since it’s so far down in the thread and this one is already superseded by another, but:

The bow and the pizza are something of a big deal to me. He bowed to a fucking despotic anti-Semite. This is awful and irrational; in what world does any citizen much less the leader of a country virtually founded in the belief that all men are created equal and that hereditary monarchy is invalid BOW to an hereditary monarch? I’d rather see a president holding hands with him. As Scott Hinderaker noted at Powerline, “The Office of Chief of Protocol apparently remains unfilled by an appointee.”

Next, the lie about it. If you don’t mind the bow, how about the lie? Pretty clunky one, that Obama is so tall he had to bend over for a handshake. Queen Elizabeth is much shorter than King Abdullah, and Obama managed the proper head-dip for her.

The pizza in itself doesn’t bother me, but combined with Obama’s sanctimonious lectures about how we lousy Americans turn our heat up and drive big cars, it bothers me. Not enough to carry on and on, but definitely enough to stop and object.