
14th Amendment Under Attack in Arizona

budda100001/28/2011 7:08:05 pm PST

“It would cause more problems than it would solve. What problem do you think it would address?”
If the right is correct it would eliminate the “anchor baby” problem if one parent had to be a US citizen. On its face value it is a reasonable law because I cannot recall any other countries with birthright insta-citizenship… I was born in Germany but i am not a German citizen.. However passing state level laws to try and subvert the constitution is a BS tactic. If they really think they can make the case for a revision of the amendment we have a process for that and it involves a super majority vote by all the states.
On a side note it would eliminate the motivation for pregnant women to try and make the dangerous border crossing….. That is again if it is even a big problem. I have never seen any study done on it.