
The Corrupt Republican Plot to Maintain Control of Government

KGxvi9/18/2018 11:45:35 am PDT

re: #26 Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis

Itā€™s possible that Trump is too senile to even know that heā€™s guilty. People around him keep telling him itā€™s fine, to calm him and stop the insane shouting.

I donā€™t buy the senility argument. Too wrapped up in his own narcissism? Sure, that Iā€™ll buy. But I donā€™t think heā€™s senile. I think heā€™s a narcissistic asshole who has never worked a real job* in his life and thus has never had to deal with the consequences of his actions.

*Heā€™s never had a paycheck that didnā€™t have his family name as the issuing party, he went to work for dad, and then took over the company. And through it all had people willing to cover/clean up for him (in part by keeping him from doing anything to stupidly high profile).