
Overnight Open Thread

Gus3/19/2010 2:07:04 am PDT

re: #32 iceweasel

The old spin was always, ‘maybe this wingnut is actually a seekrit lib, planted to make wingnuts look bad”.
Now we’re into meta-Moby territory: It’s real, but it’s a seekrit signal that’s designed to look crazy, so that we’ll look crazy when we point it out!!1!

Fuck. Take the red pill, people. It won’t make you commie.

I think they need more than a red pill. We’re starting to venture into Thorazine territory. Here was another unhinged comment and created another conspiracy:

What is the shock? Someone is either thought this would be good tea-bag provocation/conservative baiting to spur artificial controversy to push magazines or they are just admitting it out in the open now.
3/16/10 4:03 PM

Well, it took them nearly two days to figure out that it was a spoof and that they were all seriously punked. However that didn’t stop some of the crazies from coming out of the wood work. Now we’re talking seriously whacked out stuff here.