
GOP Leaders Cool to the Idea of Persecuting Scientists

sattv4u211/10/2010 2:16:22 pm PST

re: #32 albusteve

I haveā€¦prices for food has gone up every year for five years, maybe because ABQ is relatively remote

Atlantaā€™s not ā€œremoteā€, and Iā€™m paying more for the same stuff I was a year ago

I.E. ,, Krogers used to have a gallon of milk on sale most weeks for $1.99 (in the supermarket biz, itā€™s called a ā€œloss leaderā€,, entices you into the store for that ā€œbargainā€ in the hopes that while youā€™re there youā€™ll buy lots of other stuff)

Milk has stayed steady ā€œon saleā€ at Krogers for $2.49 now for months