
Video: Breitbart Laughs As He Shows Weiner Photo to Shock Jocks

Mad Prophet Ludwig6/08/2011 8:38:19 pm PDT

I really can’t wait for Sherrod’s attorneys to get through with Breitbart.

Breitbart has got to be the most deluded of megalomaniacs if he thinks he can just go around ruining people without consequences.

Just to review the Sherrod case:

He announced he was going to destroy an Obama official. This is a clear statement of intent to do malice.

He knowingly publicized falsely edited tapes that were so hacked up they appeared to say the opposite of what Sherrod actually said. He also defamed her in his public speech.

She lost her job and had a media circus intrude into an otherwise quiet life.

Breitbart bragged about his dirty work.

In other words, by his own actions and own stupid statements, he knowingly and maliciously defamed an innocent woman and will shortly face an open and shut case of slander and libel.