
RedState Proves the GOP Isn't 'Anti-Science' - By Promoting Creationism

lostlakehiker5/12/2009 8:01:01 pm PDT

re: #313 persian shoe

Hey folks,

According to a letter from the FDA General Mills’ advertising violates the federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. The agency said claims that Cheerios ingredients can lower cholesterol within a certain amount of time, all while providing cancer-fighting and heart-healthy benefits, essentially makes Cheerios “a drug” by their definition. And no drug in this country can be legally marketed without an approved new drug application.

My fucking head is about to explode.

Don’t let it ruin your blood chemistry. Go eat a bowl of Cheerios. Sheesh. Is the agency next going to ban bicycle shops from advertising that regular exercise on a bike can cut the risk of heart disease? Will they rule that bicycles are a drug?

Orwell got it right.