
Pamela Geller's Offensive Anti-Muslim Ads Hit San Francisco Buses

Killgore Trout8/14/2012 6:47:33 am PDT

re: #324 A Mom Anon

Can someone either explain to me or point me in the direction of some accurate info/definitions of what “classical”and “neo” liberalism and conservatism is? I kind of see politics,at least right now,as more of a circle than a straight line,where far right and left eventually meet and intertwine alot more than either side would like to admit. Am I wrong about that?

I consider myself to be a liberal in the mold of Paul Wellstone(I wish more people would read his Conscience of a Liberal,he was a good man)which today makes me a far left radical I guess. What I am looking for though is an accurate definition of what all these terms REALLY mean as opposed to what people project on them. I have an appt this morning,I’ll check back in later.

Here’s a decent article explaining the differences: Classical Liberalism vs. Modern Liberalism and Modern Conservatism