
Watch Live: CPAC 2014, Festival of Lunacy, Day 2

A Mom Anon3/07/2014 2:08:32 pm PST

re: #286 dog philosopher

There’s a program called Blessings in a Backpack that sends home food to kids in need on Fridays because a lot of kids go hungry on the weekends. It truly sucks that something like that has to exist in the first fucking place.

I’m sorry your parents weren’t there for you, I hope you’re ok now. I just wish conservative buttheads like those at CPAC would understand that poverty isn’t limited to people who don’t care or aren’t trying, and that it’s just plain evil to punish everyone when in most homes it’s not that way. Not to even mention that the amount of money spent on these things is paltry compared to corporate tax loopholes, offshoring money by rich people, waste in defense contracts, and the salaries of lazy fucking congresspeople.