
US Stands with Israel

Scottish Dragon6/01/2010 12:11:55 pm PDT

I know I am going against the general mood here, but I think Israel blundered badly on this one. Turkey is beyond pissed off, and they are actually threatening military reprisals.


A shocked world has responded with outrage. Turkey recalled its ambassador to Israel and warned of unprecedented and incalculable reprisals.

Two Turkish activists were reported to be among those killed in the flotilla. Ankara warned that further supply vessels will be sent to Gaza, escorted by the Turkish Navy, a development with unpredictable consequences.

Does Israel really want a shooting war with Turkey? Really? Don’t they have enough fucking trouble without that?

There’s more:

Turkey called an emergency meeting of NATO today and may invoke the NATO charter of self defense…


Holy Sweet Lord, Turkey has announced they will send another flotilla to Gaza—escorted by the Turkish Navy!

If they actually do this, it is the very definition of throwing down.


Does Israel want a war with Turkey? They can’t win it, short of using nukes, and Turkey is a NATO member, if Israel attacks NATO ships, Turkey can invoke Article V (in fact, they can invoke it already, since the ships were attacked by a non NATO power on the high seas.) If Turkey does so, of course NATO nations will refuse, but doing so will break NATO.

This is high stakes.

Update: I might add that in the case of a war between Turkey and Israel, if Turkey is serious, unless Israel uses nukes, my money is on the Turks. They have a huge armored corp, and the nations between Israel and Turkey aren’t going to say no if Turkey asks for access (because if they do, Turkey will just roll right through them.) Also if Turkey and Israel goes to war, it’s at least 50/50 the Egypt jumps in as well.

Israel is really playing with fire on this one.

Bad stuff, fellow lizards.