
Fox Business Debate: Republican Bad Ideas That Stopped Living, Part 3

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines11/11/2015 8:22:32 am PST

re: #232 WhatEVs

Asked if he considered current benefits overly generous, Wittman replied: “I think it generous. I think it is fair for what our men and women have been asked to do.”

Bastard doesn’t have a clue what veterans have been “asked” to do. To him it is just a monetary transaction, like the payments Vitter made to certain ladies of his acquaintance. He would probably try to leave it up to the free market if he could. He would be horrified at the result though. If it had been all about the money and benefits, I would not have landed my chopper in a red hot LZ for 100 times the amount. I did it though, and so did almost everyone else who was asked. I am not angry over my own situation, I have done pretty well on the whole (though it is hard to put a price tag on the nightmares I still have once in a while). I am angry about the millions who did much more and have nothing but the bemused contempt of worms like Wittman to show for it.
Obviously there is a limit to the resources that can be devoted to veterans. That amount should not be based on some money-grubbing jackass’s notion of fair value for services rendered though. It should be based on what is needed to heal and comfort the injured, and bring the warrior home from the war and back into society.