
Overnight Open Thread

3 wood5/19/2009 4:31:43 am PDT

re: #320 soxfan4life

So should we expect a stagnant economy for the next 3 1/2 years? Or will it improve in spite of 0bama’s policies?

I see it stabilizing and then a protracted period of high inflation and high unemployment. Look for Obama to continue with this politics of class envy. If you go to work, work hard and provide for your family and maybe save a couple bucks here and there, you will be the enemy.

Within a few months the economic numbers will start sounding better if for no other reason than they will be compared to the number the year before when the economy started melting down.

The “stimulus bill” will have almost no stimulative effect and will actually end up being a drag on the economy. Soon, Congress will have to start raising taxes on just about everything to pay for their profligate ways.

This will create a great opportunity for anyone who is truly willing to take a leadership role and talk about cutting spending first and then taxes.

Problem is, Obama will have so many people on the dole it may be difficult to get much political traction for awhile.

I would hit Obama every day on the inflation and deficit he has created.