
Cap-and-Trade Passes House

eon6/26/2009 5:31:19 pm PDT

re: #283 Athos

We’ve already seen / experienced this in California - 40% population growth and zero new energy plants in the last 2 decades……now we have requirements for building solar and wind farms to deliver energy - and the farms will be ready 2 years before the transmission lines even get their environmental approvals to bring the power from the farm to LA….and these farms at full generation fail to meet the needs of the plants going offline because of cap & trade.

Exactly. They are going to move our energy-based economy from a “demand” system to an “availability” system, with them “prioritizing” who gets power, how much, when, and for how long. I’m sure they think of this as “fairness in action”, but the decisions will be made by a concatenation of eco-activists, lawyers, and “social reformers”, with nary an engineer or even anyone who has ever worked for a living in sight.

Or in short, imagine the entire country run by the likes of “Grayout” Davis.

In about two or three years, we won’t have to imagine it.

