
Obama to Nominate Elena Kagan to High Court

ausador5/09/2010 10:20:30 pm PDT

Billions of years of evolution, hundreds of millions of generations of ever more evolved ancestors, civilization starting to shake off the shackles of charlatans and witch doctors, and for what? So they can watch “Ghost hunters” on T.V. and see a bunch of grown men running around in the dark and yelling like scared little boys at every noise? (plus now they are staging false events without any disclaimers or notification, “reality” it isn’t)

Funny that the atheists and I may very soon be on the same side of a common cause. Millions have left the church but just where did they go? Ghosts, and possession, and demon spirits, oh my, we seem to be headed back to the middle ages and frigging witch burnings if this trend keeps up.

It must be getting awfully popular for them to have three weekly shows on now about “ghost hunting.”

/gahh, can’t we get along? (at least long enough to crush the heretics? // )
