
Anti-Abortion Ohio Rep. Busted for DWI, with Viagra and a 26-Year Old Woman

SanFranciscoZionist7/03/2011 3:36:09 pm PDT

re: #328

Hilary wears pantsuits because they are better suited to her build than other things. Palin wears skirts because they are better suited to her build than other things. Michelle Obama goes sleeveless because sleeveless is better suited to her build other things.

Women will try to dress to best effect, in ways that minimize their flaws and maximize their better features.

He doesn’t understand that?

I think he just figures Hillary’s trying to look butch, and doesn’t approve.

Me, I would favor pantsuits if I ever ran for anything, because the idea of wearing pantyhose on a podium, night after night, is ghastly.