
Trayvon Martin Autopsy: Knuckle Injury Was Tiny, but Gunshot Was at 'Intermediate Range'

RogueOne5/17/2012 6:48:57 am PDT

Oh S.C…wtf:
South Carolina Democrat Labels Haley “Sikh Jesus”

The political director of South Carolina’s Senate Democratic Caucus labeled Nikki Haley the “Sikh Jesus” after she intervened to aid the Republican primary challenger of a Republican State Senator who called her a “[bigoted word].”

Political Director Phil Bailey complained Wednesday night of the South Carolina Republican Party’s “unlawful ruling” to allow a Haley ally on the ballot against State Senator Jake Knotts, video of whose legendary 2010 rant was posted on BuzzFeed yesterday.

In two tweets, he referred to Haley — a convert to the Methodist faith whose parents were born in India — as the “Sikh Jesus.”

In Knotts’ rant, he warned heatedly of voters’ reaction on learning “that her daddy wears a turban around Lexington and her mommy has a ruby between her head and she is a Sheikh (sic) and trying to be a Methodist.”