
Video: GOP Embraces Misogynistic Extremism

JamesWI8/05/2010 10:39:57 pm PDT


Looked over at HotAir, on their Christopher Hitchens thread. As a fellow atheist who has been recently diagnosed with a rather serious illness (though nowhere close to as dire as Hitch) I just have to say something about prayers:

Prayers wishing us well are just fine. I’m sure Hitch would say the same thing, as essentially they’re just well-wishers. To the people who take that opportunity to pray that we come to Christ, or make comments about how “there are no atheists in a foxhole/cancer ward” or make some comment along the lines of Pascal’s wager, I just have to say: Fuck you, you fucking assholes. Hoping that there is something nice after death doesn’t make it true.

That is all