
Rick Perry: Human Rights for Gays 'Not in America's Interests'

kirkspencer12/07/2011 5:56:55 am PST

re: #295 ralphieboy

Funny, because aside from the social/moral aspects, moit would seenm that a lot of gays would be naturally drawn to support the GOP over its stand for low taxes and small government.

Most of them do not have children, so they are not directly interested in the quality of local schools, nor are they buying homes in “family” neighborhoods.

And since they have no kids to “slow down” their career path, many of them are high earners, and are more interested in other forms of investing their money than college funds and mortgages.

There is a reason why the non-white votes are solidly Democratic, and why the female and non-fundamentalist-Christian votes tend to be Democratic.

Demographic trends are tectonic plate movements. They’re slow but overwhelming. The GOP as it currently exists must change or die. Like most human endeavors in such a trap there’s a lot of energetic and destructive thrashing as they try to find a third option.