
An Interesting Discrepancy in First Look's Public Statements, Presented for Your Perusal

A Mom Anon3/02/2014 8:42:18 am PST

re: #323 chadu

OH God. I forgot about Eat Pray Love. Must be nice to just have the cash to take off, travel the world and find yourself (and the man of your dreams). Meanwhile, back at the ranchette, where the rest of us live, there are bills to pay, kids to raise and shit to do.

I used to be an Oprah fangirl back in the day. Dr Phil too. Ack, I know, I know. I wised up though, glad I did. It hit me one day that most of these people had big old piles of money that gave them the freedom to live how they wanted. Not that money fixes everything, but it sure as fuck can be used in ways to alleviate certain stresses and anxieties. The final straw was O’s love affair with Jenny McCarthy and her bullshit autism crap. No thanks.